Tag: Ugwuna-Gbo postcode

  • Ugwunagbo LGA Postal/Zip codes (Abia State)

    Below, in tabular form, are the correct postal/zip codes for all the towns and villages in Ugwunagbo Local Government Area (LGA), Abia State. All the towns in Ugwunagbo use the same postal/zip codes. Confirm your location. City Postcode Abayi 453120 Obegu 453120 Akanu 453120 Obuzor 453120 Alaoji 453120 Osusu – Aku 453120 Amaokpu-Umuitiri 453120 Ozaa-Umuebukwu…

  • Osisioma LGA Zip/Postal Codes (Abia State)

    Osisioma Local Government Area (LGA) of Abia State, Nigeria has 8 towns/districts with postal/zip code varying with towns/districts and in some cases location. Postal code and Zip code have no difference. Amaitoli Location Postcode Ariaria 453113 Asamoka 453113 Mbutu-Isiahia 453113 Mbutu-Umuga 453113 Oberete 453113 Ogbu 453113 Umudi 453113 Umuejijie 453113 Umuidigha 453113 Umungbede 453113 Umuocheala…

  • Abia State Zip Code / Postal Code

    Here you’ll discover the correct Zip Code / postal code for all the locations in Abia State. If you are in need of your postal code in order to complete an online/offline registration, then you need to find the one specific to your location. Click on your exact local government from the list below to…