Tag: Adamawa State postcode

  • Nnewi South postal/zip codes (Anambra State)

    Nnewi South Local Government Area (LGA) of Anambra state, Nigeria, has 10 towns/villages which all have varying postal/zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Nnewi South LGA: Akwaihedi Areas within Akwaihedi use the same: Location Postcode Orume 435111 Umunnama 435111 Umunwehi 435111 Amichi Areas located in Amichi use the same postal/zip code: Location Postcode Afoube…

  • Yola North & South LGAs Postal/Zip codes (Adamawa State)

    Yola North and south Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Adamawa State, Nigeria have an organized system of postal/zip codes which vary with respect to districts. Here are the postcodes for Yola: Lamido Palace Streets in Lamido use the same code:   Location  Postcode Abuja Rd. 640230 Fufore Rd. 640230 Galadiam Rd. 640230 Lamido Rd. 640230 Makama…

  • Shelleng LGA Postal/Zip Code (Adamawa State)

    Streets and locations within Shelleng LGA of Adamawa State, Nigeria make use of the same postal/zip code. See table below for your location: Location Postcode Barata 643102 Bira-Bira 643102 Boburo 643102 Bokayeki 643102 Dabewo 643102 Doge 643102 Dunge 643102 Gidan Koshi 643102 Gombel 643102 Gondong 643102 Gukuri 643102 Gwagira 643102 Jamali 643102 Jihadi 643102 Jonkolo…

  • Toungo LGA Zip/Postal Codes (Adamawa State)

    Toungo Local Government Area (LGA) of Adamawa State, Nigeria, has 4 districts with varying postal/zip codes. Here are the postcodes for districts in Toungo LGA Dawo Streets/locations in Dawa, Toungo LGA use the same code: Location Postcode Ganti 641119 Jiman Buwanga 641119 Jimon 641119 Kagin Baba 641119 M. Jaja 641119 Nappi 641119 Okalat 641119 Songeli…

  • Song LGA Zip/Postal Codes (Adamawa State)

    Song Local Government Area (LGA) of Adamawa State, Nigeria, has 5 districts; with postal/zip codes varying with them. Here are the postcodes for Song LGA, Adamawa State: Ditera Streets in Ditera use the same code. See table Location Postcode Dirma 652104 Dumne 652104 Mboi postcode Locations in Mboi use the same code: Location Postcode Alanra…

  • Numan LGA Zip/Postal Codes (Adamawa State)

    Numan Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria, has 8 districts, with postal/zip codes ranging with districts Here are the postal/zip code for Numan LGA, Adamawa State: Bakta Location Postcode Bakta 643104 Birwit 643104 Dakiti 643104 Dakkiti 643104 Dumburi Fulani 643104 Gadajuga 643104 Gargijik 643104 Gimakurje 643104 Golla 643104 Gwadinge 643104 Gwagarap 643104 Jabbi Makki…

  • Michika LGA Postal/Zip Codes (Adamawa State)

    Michika Local Government Area (LGA), Adamawa State, Nigeria has 7 districts; with postal/zip codes ranging with districts. Here are the postcodes for Michika LGA: Bazza Areas and streets in Bazza, Michika LGA, Adamawa State use the same postal/zip codes. See table: Location Postcode Bazza Margi 651103 Dilichime 651103 Jigalambu 651103 Kudzum 651103 Tsukumu 651103 Tuden…

  • Maiha LGA Postal/Zip Codes (Adamawa State)

    Maiha Local Government Area (LGA) of Adamawa State, Nigeria has 5 districts; with postal/zip codes ranging with districts. Here are the postcodes for Maiha LGA Belel Location Postcode Alamisa 650106 Belel 650106 Bodeje 650106 Boloko 650106 Bungel 650106 Jamtari 650106 Kasagila 650106 Kirdagirma 650106 Kiringabu 650106 Konkol Bappare 650106 Mayoteyel 650106 Pete 650106 Tirsi 650106…

  • Lamurde LGA Postal/Zip Codes (Adamawa State)

    Lamurde Local Government Area (LGA) of Adamawa State, Nigeria has 5 districts; with postal/zip codes ranging with districts and in some cases specific locations. Here are the postal/zip codes for Lamurde LGA Gyawana All the locations within Gyawana, Lamurde LGA use the same postal/zip code. See table: Location Postcode Angawab Mammuye 642114 Bafio 642114 Bambe…

  • Jada LGA Postal/Zip Codes (Adamawa State)

    Jada Local Government Area (LGA) of Adamawa State, Nigeria has 9 districts; with postal/zip codes varying with districts and in some cases specific location. Here are the postal code for Jada LGA. Danaba Locations within Danaba use the same postal code. See table: Location Postcode Danaba 641127 Nadeu 641127 Naguma 641127 Jada town postcode Locations…