Category: State

  • Ovia South-West Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Ovia South-West Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Ovia South-West LGA: Iguoba-Zuwa Location Postcode Abozumamwen 302101 Ago-Okunzuwa 302101 Aifesoba 302101 Evboba 302101 Iguatakpa 302101 Iguobazuwa 302101 Iguogun 302101 Isokponba 302101 Obaretin 302101 Okokpon…

  • Ovia North-East Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Ovia North-East Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Ovia North-East LGA: Adolor Location Postcode Ekiadolor 302116 Iguodia 302116 Isiukhukhu 302116 Ora 302116 Ovbogie 302116 Iguoshodin Location Postcode Ayedi 302118 Iguadolo 302118 Iguoshodin 302118…

  • Orhionmwon Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Orhionmwon Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Orhionmwon LGA: Aibiokunla Location Postcode Abudu 301101 Ahia 301101 Egbhuru 301101 Igbanke Location Postcode Ake 301104 Idomodin 301104 Idumiru 301104 Igbontor 301104 Obi-Ogba 301104 Ogbahu 301104…

  • Oredo Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Oredo Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several locations and the all make use of the same postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Ogbe, Oredo LGA: Location Postcode Aakhuakhuari 300102 Amagba 300102 Amagba Camps 300102 Arogba 300102 Dick s Camp 300102 Ebo Ogunmwenyin 300102 Egbirhe 300102 Ekae 300102 Emonfonmwan…

  • Ikpoba Okha Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several Locations which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Ikpoba Okha LGA: Ogbeson Location Postcode Aduwawa 300104 Agedo 300104 Ekiuwa 300104 Evbumufi 300104 Evbuomodu 300104 Ighekpe 300104 Iguehana 300104 Ogbeson 300104 Ohovbe 300104 Otene…

  • Igueben Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Igueben Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Igueben LGA: Amahor Location POSTCODE Amahor Waterside 310110 Eguare 310110 Idumodin 310110 Obodeko 310110 Ekpon Location Postcode Eguare 310111 Idumeko 310111 Idumesa 310111 Idumeshebe 310111 Idumodin…

  • Etsako West Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Etsako West Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Etsako West LGA: Auchi Location Postcode Aibotse 312101 Akpekpe 312101 Igbei 312101 Iyekhe 312101 Usogun 312101 Aviele Location Postcode Agbede 312104 Egeuno 312104 Egho 312104…

  • Etsako East Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Etsako East Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several areas which make use of the same postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Etsako East LGA: Location POSTCODE Agenebode 312107 Agiere 312107 Anumeji 312107 Avhiodor 312107 Bode-Waterside 312107 Dapapa 312107 Edegbe 312107 Egori-Nauge 312107 Egori-Waterside 312107 Ekwotso 312107 Emnokweme 312107…

  • Etsako Central Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Etsako Central Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Etsako Central LGA: Ekperi Location Postcode Unebode 312108 Uthede 312108 Utsuko 312108 Yeruwa 312108 Apeokhumhe 312108 Odame 312108 Ughekha 312108 Anamu 312108 Apeosimetha 312108 Odugbe…

  • Esan West Postal or Zip codes (Edo State)

    Esan West Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Here are the postcodes for Esan West LGA: Eghoro Location Postcode Eghoro-Amede 310102 Oraede 310102 Uwenebo 310102 Ekpoma Location Postcode Abia 310101 Akahia 310101 Ebhoakhuala 310101 Ebhokpe 310101 Ebhordiza 310101…