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Local Government Areas in Akwa Ibom State

Akwa Ibom State is made up of 31 Local Government Areas (LGAs); discover their names in this post.

Also, you can click on any of the LGAs in Akwa Ibom State below to reveal the towns within them as well as their postal codes / zip codes.

The 31 local government areas in Akwa Ibom State are:

  1. Abak
  2. Eastern Obolo
  3. Eket
  4. Esit-Eket
  5. Essien Udim
  6. Etim-Ekpo
  7. Etinan
  8. Ibeno
  9. Ibesikpo-Asutan
  10. Ibiono-Ibom
  11. Ika
  12. Ikono
  13. Ikot Abasi
  14. Ikot Ekpene
  15. Ini
  16. Itu
  17. Mbo
  18. Mkpat-Enin
  19. Nsit-Atai
  20. Nsit-Ibom
  21. Nsit-Ubium
  22. Obot-Akara
  23. Okobo
  24. Onna
  25. Oron
  26. Oruk Anam
  27. Ukanafun
  28. Udung-Uko
  29. Uruan
  30. Urue-Offong/Oruko
  31. Uyo
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