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Ajaokuta Postal or Zip codes (Kogi State)

Ajaokuta is one of the twenty-one (21) Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Kogi State, Nigeria, with headquarters is located in the town of Eganyi.

There are several areas located within the LGA that make use of varying postal or zip codes.

Here are the postcodes for Ajaokuta LGA:


Location Postcode
Idibo 263106
Oruge 263106
Idire 263106
Owuni 263106
Inara 263106
Patesi 263106
Kporoko 263106
Shagana 263106
Obangede 263106
Ukpaja 263106
Ochebanyi 263106
Ukpki 263106
Ochimile 263106
Unesi 263106
Odenu 263106
Odire 263106
Ogare 263106
Ogirigiri 263106
Ogodo 263106
Ogunmagu 263106
Ganaja 263106
Ohunene 263106
Garegu 263106
Onado 263106
Ichmwa 263106
Onyekumi 263106
Abedu 263106
Abodudu 263106
Achimopa 263106
Adege 263106
Adegu 263106
Adogu 263106
Ajaokuta town   263106
Anogi 263106
Badoke 263106
Bagana 263106
Bataga 263106
Egede 263106
Gaduma 263106


Location Postcode
Ademe 263104
Agarugu 263104
Ajagu 263104
Apanke 263104
Ebiya 263104
Epiri 263104
Iriku Agiga 263104
Iyasa 263104
Ohuns 263104
Okhebanyi 263104
Ubatoto 263104
Ubegiri 263104


Location Postcode
Achagana 263105
Adogo 263105
Egayin 263105
Iloshi 263105
Irunisechi 263105
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